So if God is love how can He be unfair? It doesn't seem like those two things can co-exist. I mean we are raised to play fair or to play by the rules, but when we read the Gospel Luke we see that Jesus didn't play by the rules... I don't know about you but when I first connected with this truth I'm not sure I liked it, but after looking closer I sure am glad Jesus doesn't play by the rules.
What I learned was that my disbelief that Jesus doesn't play by the rules really comes from my "assumption" that He should. I know for me it is really easy to think what makes me feel good or what makes me happy is or should be true of my faith. I mean is it really to much to ask to treat people fairly? Isn't that all the other son wanted in the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)?
My problem is typically when I read that story I identify myself with the lost son and I get great joy from that story, but what about the other son? What about the son who stayed and worked, the one who picked up the slack from the son who wanted all his money now only to squander the money... Then and only then did he realize that he had nowhere to turn, nowhere to go except to go back home and at best, in his mind, be a "hired servant".
Well the story takes a turn... The father sees his son and accepts him back, throws a party and allows his son back into the family like before. That is a beautiful picture of grace... See the son didn't deserve it, he squandered it all and his brother is the one who was "doing what was expected".
So who are you in the story? Are you the lost son squandering what you have or are you the son that is doing what you are "expected" to do? Either way Jesus tells us He loves us and He is extending grace to both. So if your to "good" son Jesus asks you to extend grace to your brother...
It isn't what he deserves, but is it what he needs... Sounds familiar doesn't it? It sounds a lot like what Jesus does for us... He gives us grace and accepts us into His family, His love is so great that He loves us right where we are... But He loves us enough not to leave us there.
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