"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in birds, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" Matthew 6:26
I wouldn't call myself a worrier...I do a pretty good job of keeping things in perspective, but that isn't to say that I don't worry. The reality is I do.
I worry mostly about things dealing with my wife and kids... Will Abi grow up to be a confident woman passionate for God? Will Morgan let go of her dreams and play it safe? Will she pursue God at a young age, unlike me? Will my wife have a healthy pregnancy and will the birth go as planned with no complications? Will Carson Palmer fully recover from his elbow injury?
Some of you worry much more than I and others don't find yourself worrying at all, so when you read about the birds in the air you don't really think anything. I just read another blog about this (www.lifepointvineyard.blogspot.com) and he makes a great point about the birds of the air:
"Have you ever watched birds? They're busy from sunup to sundown, looking for worms, building their nest, doing whatever it is birds do."
He goes on to make the point that birds give 100% each day to their lives and then go to sleep at night content in the knowledge that they've done all that they could do.
Have you done all you can do today?
There are many days I answer that question with a no, but I'm learning to ask myself a different question...
Instead of waiting until the end of the day, I'm starting to ask myself when I start the day, "Am I going to do all I can today?"
It is the same question rephrased, but it has very different implications. By asking it in the morning it sets the day with the end in mind, so now when I when I ask myself if I have done everything I can I know that I started the day with that in mind.
What can you do to help you do everything you can today?
I'd love to hear your stories and/or thoughts...
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