So Elijah calls on God to light a fire in front of hundreds of people and shows them that they are worshiping the wrong god, then he gets word that Ahab's wife wants him dead and he runs. He runs and hides in a cave where God asks a very interesting question "What are you doing here Elijah?" (1 Kings 19)
We were only married a few years and I bowled 2 or 3 times a week and I found myself going out with the boys 1 or 2 times a week, and I wasn't spending a whole lot of time with my wife. I was becoming more and more selfish and when I would look into the mirror I didn't like the man I was becoming. I was worried about where this would lead and who I would hurt along the way, then something happened...
I remember it like it was yesterday... I was on my home from bowling and like all other nights I was talking to Janna on the way home and all the sudden I had this feeling. Looking back I realize it was God chasing me and to this day I wonder how different life would have turned out if I hadn't acted on it. And now I know this feeling was God asking me "what are you doing here Andy?"
I decided to act on the feeling and simply said to Janna "I think we should start going to Church". This was a huge step because I wasn't sure how Janna would react, because we had never even talked about Church, well other than which Church we were going to get married in. To my surprise Janna said she had been thinking about it as well.
I look back on my life and see many times where God has asked me that question and to be honest when I'm in the moment I often miss God's question. I miss it because I'm usually to caught up in myself and what might happen to even think to check in with God.
So here I was driving in my car asking Janna about going to Church, all the while God was asking me "what are you doing here Andy?" The truth is, like most times when God asks this question... I had no idea what I was doing there. What I do know is when I live life trying to please me it doesn't work. When I try to change "tomorrow's" with my own thoughts and worries I often find myself in places I have no business being...
So if your reading this and you find yourself agreeing to some of these points, I'd love to hear them. Post a comment and let us know. If you're reading this and find yourself in a place you have no business being, then stop what you are doing and Seek God! Pray right now for God to come and when He asks you "what are you doing here?" be honest... Because He already knows...
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